Close Overplay - feedback session

Tim and I would like to run a little feedback session, both for us and for you.
Can some of you email us to let us know your availability if this is a difficult time?
We are thinking either after 17 December or in the new year

Best regards,
6 responses
Hey A + T!

I'm working the 9-5 mon-fri but the Christmas onslaught doesn't mean much to this little Jew so I'm happy to meet whenever 6pm onwards on weekdays - even if the feedback sesh takes place round some beers and pizza? Anyone?

If it ends up taking place in 2012 though I will have to politely decline as I will be in Stuttgart. Jah!


I also wouldn't mind feedback session, however i'm out of the country from the 18th dec until the 17th of Jan...but email feedback could be arranged if you head down that path!

happy festive season everyone!

Hi Team,

I'm also working mainly days up till christmas - so nights would be preferable for me also (over pizza and beer - good call b2)! But - It's getting pretty crazytown leading up to xmas - so if i can't make the date - happy to send feedback via email or whatever you decide upon!

All the best for the silly season!


Hey guys!

im in tassie from the 20th, and working my arse off before then so will be free a few odd days/nights here and there, otherwise post January 6th is best for myself!



Im leaving for San Fran on Sunday, and working everyday until then. Nights are fine for me though as well, or 2012!
I'm out of the country already. and will have stuttgart in january. might just do feedback via email in that case. cool to see everyone's loading up on their travel miles.